Sunday, July 13, 2008

RatRace Finale

Well, another RR has come to a close. We ended up having a final task on the last day. Another grovel fest it was but with convergence happening along the course line to the Northeast. The main gaggle suffered at Burnt at the start while the few of us got high over Woodrat and took lifty lines to Rabies ridge. The whole valley had converged and it was an easy couple laps around the bowl before heading to the Cemetary and Donato's goal line. Lots of people struggled with the cyclic lift and were put on the ground in the main LZ while 15 or so made it to goal. Around 40 pilots only made minimum distance. I got around the bowl quickly before succumbing to another broken stabilo line. I flew for as long as I could before finally putting it down before Cemetary. My glider doesnt fly very well with a broken stab. Turns you one way constantly and throws your weight in to the harness one way also. You have to pull about 75% brake if you want to turn that way also, the other side wants to spin in to the turn on the good side. I flew like this for awhile in the rough air before finally landing. Two days of broken lines when I was in good position. Oh well, not a good comp for me but had some fun while it lasted. Marty Devietti took first place and Brad G second I think. Ready for Chelan.

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