Sunday, May 17, 2009


After finally getting my lighweight flying kit back together I was ready to get it going again. The first hike and fly in the mountains this season. Finally a warm and sunny day with light winds. A great day for Banderra. A bunch of snow starting mid mountain elevation (3000ft or so) with dry patches near the summit approaching 5000ft. Nice firm snow conditions to kick steps in all the way up to the top. Once on top some mellow thermic cycles coming up, around noon. The wind direction was all over the place, as usual on these summits but predominantly coming in cycles up the face. I said adios to some hikers I met halfway up that took some video and it was an easy inflation with a 7-9mph cycle had me off the hill right away. Still weak thermals but I wanted to get down to the valley before the winds picked up. Boated around a bit said hello to some other hikers I saw below and headed off on the long glide to Banderra airstrip. The valley wind was kicking in but nothing too bad. I came over the LZ with plenty of altitude and saw a pack of dogs down there that hadnt noticed me. I could see my shadow below so I messed with them and tried to fly with my shadow over the'yre heads to see if they noticed a dark being coming over the top of them. My final approach, the wind sock was straight in from the West about 10-15mph , easy landing and then greeted by all the dogs that were getting theyre exercise by a doggie sitter. Packed up and walked to my stashed mtn bike in the woods and rode the 20minutes back up the hill to the trailhead to my car. A nice spring day in the mountains and a warm up for some vol bivy flights I hope to do later this season. Stay tuned. SM

Lighweight Flying Kit:
Light harness with seatboard and good compartments for gear.
Small reserve
Easy wing to fly, dhv2 is a good compromise
Headlamp for when you have to get around at night or open that can of beans for dinner
Can opener, multi tool.
Bivy Sack, lightweight
Down Jacket for cold nights
Camera to document your antics
Helmet, vario/gps
Sun hat for long hikes uphill in the sun and reflecting snow conditons
Bit of food
Lastly, some sort of plan....:-)
...and your good to go.

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