Friday, June 27, 2008

Big Convergence, a Task, and some Airplanes

Eyeing the sky yesterday it appeared to be clearing up after the low CIGS (ceilings in meteo speak). Then, it got shaded again. The warm SW flow down low was colliding with the NW flow aloft thus creating a massive convergence zone over Tiger Mountain and beyond to the East and outskirts to the North and South. Made for a great day with some strong lift getting up to cloudbase in this air.
My model of the way convergence works is like putting your hands together and weaving your fingers through eachother. This is the mixing zone where the two directional airmasses collide and coalesce higher up where the air is smoother, usually. Yesterday there was a lot of this air colliding until you reached about 4000-5000ft then it was fairly smooth. Although, going on long glides I could feel the different directions pushing me around. Its great once you are topped in the lift line above the convergence, because you can just fly straight with no sink rate. You can fly and glide on bar in these smooth lines without losing any altitude and covering lots of ground. In Valle de Bravo, MX a similar occurrence happens on a daily basis with rocket lift down low until you get established above and go on long glides parallel to the convergent line. Fun!

Three of us decided to run a small task to get used to our instruments again before we hit the Rat Race next week. We started with an Exit cylinder at TM then over the back to the Lookout and then back to launch. Of course when we launched, everyone was climbing out and going on a big glide when we were just starting our task. Meredyth, Randy and I almost left the task and went with them. But we didnt, we completed it and then went XC. Awesome. Its so fun to fly a task and then go on an open flight afterwards it adds a whole new element to XC flying. Randy and Meredyth ended up in North Bend and I ended up landing near the truckstop near Tanner after all of this.

Airplanes. I was over the Towers near base waiting for those guys to join me after our task. I looked down and in front of me to see a LearJet about 150ft below me! Crazy, he didnt even notice me and just kept on flying straight, I got the heck out of there. A few minutes later a Recon plane flew over Meredyth and I just above us in the clouds. Later I was near Rattlesnake Mountain and another LearJet was cruising right at me from behind at the same altitude. Luckily, this guy saw me and was doing some wiggle tips to alert me in a friendly fashion. I waved at him and kept on flying. So, watch for air traffic up there. I dont think they really care that we are on the airspace map or even know about gliders in general. Not sure what to do about that, just watch out.

Fun to see lots of people flying yesterday. Peace. SM

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