Tuesday, May 27, 2008

my way or the Chumstick highway

It was a windy day on top of Tibbets mountain as we arrived on launch. Thinking it was getting a little too strong on launch already it was time for me to go, the sky looked good anyway and developing. I hooked in and hopped in to the air where I got battered 500ft over up and down for awhile in the blown apart thermals. It was like ridge soaring with thermals blasting through and never really able to hook up anything. Finally after 20 minutes of this with my glider pitching around a ton, I hooked something and took it up to cloudbase. It was low 7300ft or so. Lots of cloud development when I headed with a 77:1 glide to Blag Mtn under a big dark one. The tops werent too high around me so I didtn feel too bad about it. Taking this sick glide line I just drifted in lift for about 10 or 12km before reaching Leavenworth just North of town. I pointed towards L-town and was going no where, 15kt headwind going straight up the Chumstick valley. So i decided to just keep going with it up the valley. Ive been wanting to check out this route for awhile now. So, I went on glide quartering the wind and in the lee at times it was rough, but there was tons of broken drifting lift I could work. Lots of open ridges holding and releasing their heat. I crossed the small valley and headed to the other side to try and get out of the lee. Cruising the ridges and hitting thermals off the tops of these is super fun. Just working the terrain, rather than being high cloud hopping is more technical and interesting sometimes. Base was low anyway so I was somewhere in the middle. Passing over Chumstick I crossed the low ridges over the upper Wenatchee river and kept going deeper in towards lake Wenatchee. All the while taking a bearing on Glacier Peak in front of me with virga/rain streaks coming down. I got to the base of Nahopoc Peak and kept going with the lake ahead of me. But now in total shade a few k's from the lake it was dropping out. So i turned back in to wind to escape it and backtracked to just North of Plain where I landed in a strong valley wind. Just after it started dropping out. I just missed it. Its like Russian roulette around here sometimes as the days progress we have been getting big gust fronts associated with T-storms and a heavy drop out after. Mountain flying.
Anyway, that route to lake Wenatchee/Plain is super fun as a goal unto itself, but after that its kind of limited since past the lake there are no roads going in deep to Glacier Peak wilderness and up north towards Stehiken. No mans land also going northwest of hwy 2 and Stevens Pass. If you are at 14,oooft maybe! SM pics:

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